Thursday, February 11, 2016

this is true... it's unfortunate and very sad that there are too many "leaders" out there who are threatened by the strengths and gifts of others... maybe that's what happened to us in Cebu in 2012... 

personally, i would prefer to surround myself with a team of people who have many different strengths and gifts because i know that i can never be "all things to all people..." nor should i be... i'm NOT that talented... and i'm glad!! it would be TOO exhausting to be good at everything and then end up being good for/at nothing... :-) best to let others help so we can all succeed...

this ties in very nicely with Pastor Greg Waybright's sermon entitled "Serving God's Mission" at Lake Ave on Sunday:
* No one person has ALL the gifts
* God doesn't give unimportant gifts
* If everyone had the gift of preaching or teaching, the body of Christ would be one BIG TONGUE!!
* God will finish His work in the world and He needs LOTS of different gifts to accomplish it
* We should begin serving first and then let God's family members help direct and encourage our service through our gifts
* When you serve, you grow spiritually
* When you serve, you participate in the ETERNAL work of God

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