Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Six Words to Say Through Tears

The Source of Comfort in the Pain of Grief

By Nancy Guthrie May 29, 2017

This week I went to the graveside service for a young woman who struggled with lots of hard things in this life. As I gave her mother a hug, she whispered in my ear, “She’s safe. I know she’s safe.”

This mom has had many difficult days and sleepless nights during her daughter’s life when she didn’t have that confidence. But as they put her daughter’s body into the ground, she was taking hold of something solidly true—that her daughter’s soul is now “at home with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8), where she is safe in his care.

 Grasping for Truth
This is not the first time I’ve been around grieving people and heard them repeat something similar—a statement or idea they had taken hold of in order to try to make sense of their loss or to find comfort in the midst of loss. I’ve heard people repeat things like, “She was just too good for this world,” and, “Death was the only way he could finally find any peace,” and, “I guess God just needed him more there than we do here.” And, of course we often say and hear, “He’s in a better place.”

When we’re reeling from the loss of someone we love, we look for something solid to grab hold of to find stability in a storm of sadness and clarity in a sea of confusion. Some of the things we grab hold of are profoundly true and therefore prove to steady us in the storm. But some of the things we grab hold of emanate from the vacuous spirituality and shallow beliefs of our modern culture, instead of from the solid truth of God’s word. They might sound nice, but they simply aren’t true. Or, perhaps more often, they are only partly true. Some of the very spiritual-sounding things we say to ourselves, or hear others say to us, in the midst of grief have no scriptural basis, or even contradict Scripture.

C.S. Lewis wrote in Mere Christianity, “Comfort is the one thing you cannot get by looking for it. If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end. If you look for comfort, you will not get either comfort or truth—only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin with and, in the end, despair.”

So, as we search for something to grab hold of in the midst of grief that will bring comfort, or as we search for words to say to someone else who is grieving, we want to make sure that what we’re grabbing hold of, or offering to someone else to hold onto, is profoundly, fully, and eternally true.

 Six Words:  “I Can Trust God with This”
Since the graveside service this week, I’ve been asking myself, what are those profoundly and eternally true things we can grab hold of in the midst of grief that will serve as an anchor for the soul, when the winds and waves of grief are coming over the bow and threatening to take us down for good? I think the answer is essentially one thing that has many iterations or implications, which is: “I can trust God with this.”

Recently I wrote a whole book about what to say to grieving people, because when we speak to grieving people, our words really matter.

But when we are the ones who are grieving, what is far more important than what other people say to us is what we say to ourselves—what we say to ourselves in between sobs, when we have more questions than answers, when the emptiness feels overwhelming, when anger is getting a foothold in our heart.

When the grief is fresh and intense, we might take some wild ideas for a test drive, but to move toward healing and return to joy requires that we press this one idea deeply into our souls until it begins to impact us at the level of our feelings: “I can trust God with this.”

“I can trust God with this” has all kinds of implications that bring peace in the midst of grief’s chaotic thoughts and emotions. It means:

  • I can trust God with the timing of my loved one’s death.
  • I can trust God with the way my loved one died.
  • I can trust God with the unknowns about my future.
  • I can trust God with my unanswered questions until faith becomes sight.
  • I can trust God to heal the hurt.
  • I can trust God to fill the emptiness.
  • I can trust God to illumine this darkness.
  • I can trust God to restore joy to my life.
  • I can trust God to speak to me through his word.
  • I can trust God to supply sufficient grace and divine power for facing whatever comes.
  • I can trust God to cause this to work together for my good and for the good of others impacted by this, to conform us more closely to the image of Christ.
  • I can trust God that resurrection day is really coming and it will be worth all the waiting.

Even if, or perhaps especially if, we’re unsure if the person who died was genuinely joined to Christ by faith, we can say:

  • I can trust that God knows who belongs to him, even if I don’t know if my loved one belonged to him.
  • I can trust that God will do what is right, even if I don’t know what God will do.
  • I can put my trust in a God who is merciful and loves to save, even if I don’t know if my loved one trusted in that mercy or took hold of that salvation.

 Speak to Your Thoughts
When the sorrow of life seemed to mock his dependence on God, the psalmist wrote,

My tears have been my food day and night, while they say to me all the day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalm 42:3)

His agonized emotions were speaking to him, suggesting that God had abandoned him, so he challenged that voice, rather than believe it. He confronted what was being said to him, rather than letting it determine his outlook. The psalmist poured out his complaint to God, but he also intentionally spoke to his own soul in both a questioning and instructive tone:

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God. (Psalm 42:5)

Rather than listening to his own desperate thoughts, he spoke truth to his thoughts. Rather than trusting his feelings, he challenged them. Rather than talking about the truth of the gospel as something out there for other people, he applied it to himself personally. Praying to God, he preached hope to himself.

That’s what we must do in the midst of our tears. That’s what my friend did this week in the midst of her tears. When she whispered in my ear, “I know she’s safe,” in essence she was saying, “I can trust God with this. I can trust God to keep her safe.” ncy Guthrie offers companionship and biblical insight to the grieving through Respite Retreats that she and her husband, David, host for couples who have faced the death of a child, through the GriefShare video series, and through books, such as, What Grieving People Wish You Knew about What Really Helps (and What Really Hurts).

Sunday, May 28, 2017

FEAR NOT: Psalm 112:7-8

"He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD. His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he see his desire upon his enemies."

COMMENTARY from Matthew Henry:  (1) It is the duty and interest of the people of God not to be afraid of evil tidings, not to be afraid of hearing bad news; and, when they do, not to be put into confusion by it and into an amazing expectation of worse and worse, but whatever happens, whatever threatens, to be able to say, with blessed Paul, None of these things move me, neither will I fear, though the earth be removed, Ps. 46:2. (2.) The fixedness of the heart is a sovereign remedy against the disquieting fear of evil tidings. If we keep our thoughts composed, and ourselves masters of them, our wills resigned to the holy will of God, our temper sedate, and our spirits even, under all the unevenness of Providence, we are well fortified against the agitations of the timorous. (3.) Trusting in the Lord is the best and surest way of fixing and establishing the heart. By faith we must cast anchor in the promise, in the word of God, and so return to him and repose in him as our rest. The heart of man cannot fix any where, to its satisfaction, but in the truth of God, and there it finds firm footing. (4.) Those whose hearts are established by faith will patiently wait till they have gained their point: He shall not be afraid, till he see his desire upon his enemies, that is, till he come to heaven, where he shall see Satan, and all his spiritual enemies, trodden under his feet, and, as Israel saw the Egyptians, dead on the sea-shore. Till he look upon his oppressors, till he behold them securely, and look boldly in their faces, as being now no longer under their power. It will complete the satisfaction of the saints, when they shall look back upon their troubles and pressures, and be able to say with St. Paul, when he had recounted the persecutions he endured (2 Tim. 3:11), "But out of them all the Lord delivered me."

PERSONAL APPLICATION:  Yes, these are days of "evil tidings." (1) Our homes aren't safe. Burglaries are rampant. Catastrophic earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, fires, volcanoes erupting, which can destroy and decimate our homes are escalating. (2) Our families aren't safe. Sick men released by our courts drive around neighborhoods looking for women to attack or children to expose themselves to. We are warned by the police not to walk alone at night. (3) Our money isn't safe. Fraudulent schemes abound. Senior citizens are victims of internet scams. Inflation is eroding constantly the value of the dollar. (4) The world isn't safe. ISIS continues its rampage against everyone, especially Christians. Super powers with super weapons threaten to annihilate each other.

The solution to the fears that these natural disasters creates is "fixing our hearts." And, on what is the heart fixed? "Trusting in the LORD."  Come what may, I trust in the Lord. I know He loves me. I know He is with me. I know He is for me. I know that "all things" work together for our good. I know He will sustain me.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

FEAR NOT: 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

BACKGROUND/COMMENTARY:  According to David Guzik, "We are hard pressed:" This has the idea of "hunted." Paul was a wanted, hunted man because of what he was for Jesus. In Acts 23:12, forty men conspired together to not eat or drink until they had murdered Paul. He knew what it was like to be hunted! 
"Yet not crushed:"  Living as a wanted, hunted man means terrible stress, experienced every moment of the day. Yet, Paul was not crushed by this stress. He could still serve the Lord gloriously. Look at how Paul describes the experiences in his life: hard pressed … perplexed … persecuted … struck down.  Paul's life was hard, and it was hard because of his passionate devotion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. Yet, look at the triumph of Jesus in Paul's life: not crushed … not in despair … not forsaken … not destroyed. Paul knew the power and victory of Jesus in his life because he was continually in situations where only the power and victory of Jesus could meet his need!"

PERSONAL APPLICATION:  The Apostle Paul is one of my Bible heroes and I can't wait until I get to heaven and can "pick his brain" about everything he experienced while he was here on earth!! The Apostle Paul's example is what I want to follow, especially his commitment to follow and serve the Lord with all his strength, with all his passion, with all his heart, despite the harshness and injustices he experienced. His life of triumph because he knew that the power of God was in him and would give him victory over ANY obstacle that the devil would put in his way is one that I want for myself.
Lord, I pray that I will be like the Apostle Paul:  "not crushed... not in despair... not forsaken... not destroyed!"

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

FEAR NOT: Psalm 91

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night;
nor for the arrow that flieth by day
Psalm 91:5

BACKGROUND/COMMENTARYAccording to Matthew Henry's commentary, "A great truth [is] laid down in general [in this chapter], That all those who live a life of communion with God are constantly safe under his protection, and may therefore preserve a holy serenity and security of mind at all times (v. 1)..."

"he will not only keep them from evil, but from the fear of evil" v. 5

"When we are retired into our chambers, our beds, and have made all as safe as we can about us, yet there is terror by night, from thieves and robbers, winds and storms, besides those things that are the creatures of fancy and imagination, which are often most frightful of all. We read of fear in the night, Cant. 3:8. There is also a pestilence that walketh in darkness, as that was which slew the first-born of the Egyptians, and the army of the Assyrians. No locks nor bars can shut out diseases, while we carry about with us in our bodies the seeds of them." "Here is great security promised to believers in the midst of this danger: "Thou shalt not be afraid. God by his grace will keep thee from disquieting distrustful fear (that fear which hath torment) in the midst of the greatest dangers. Wisdom shall keep thee from being causelessly afraid, and faith shall keep thee from being inordinately afraid. Thou shalt not be afraid of the arrow, as knowing that though it may hit thee it cannot hurt thee; if it take away the natural life, yet it shall be so far from doing any prejudice to the spiritual life that it shall be its perfection.' A believer needs not fear, and therefore should not fear, any arrow, because the point is off, the poison is out. O death! where is thy sting? It is also under divine direction, and will hit where God appoints and not otherwise. Every bullet has its commission. Whatever is done our heavenly Father's will is done; and we have no reason to be afraid of that."

PERSONAL APPLICATION: It's true… it's during the night when our fears are magnified. Many times, those fears keep us awake and deprive us of that all-important peace of mind. But, if we are trusting in God as we should, we will find great reassurance and comfort that God has everything under control and we can trust Him to take away those fears and keep us safe in His loving hands.

Friday, May 12, 2017

I've always loved the word "serendipity"

Sacred Serendipity
by Rev. Charles R. Swindoll

Seren-dip-ity–the dip of the serene into the common responsibilities of life.
Serendipity occurs when something beautiful breaks into the monotonous and the mundane.
A serendipitous life is marked by "surprisability" and spontaneity.
When we lose our capacity for either, we settle into life's ruts. We expect little, and we're seldom disappointed.

Though I have walked with God for several decades, I must confess I still find much about Him incomprehensible and mysterious.
But this much I know: He delights in surprising us.
He dots our pilgrimage from earth to heaven with amazing serendipities . . . .

Your situation may be as hot and barren as a desert or as forlorn and meaningless as a wasteland . . . .
But all I ask is that you . . . be on the lookout.
God may very well be planning a serendipity in your life.

Monday, May 8, 2017

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