Friday, October 26, 2018

this is how a Christian should enter GLORY... JOYFULLY!!

Eugene Peterson, a “shepherd’s shepherd,” passed away (joyfully) today at the age of 85.
“The lantern is out, but the joy he carried with him to his final breaths endures,” author Winn Collier writes in a Twitter post, sharing the news of Peterson’s passing. “Eugene is now with the Triune God he has loved his entire life. Memory eternal.”
Peterson’s son, Eric, announced last week that his father was being moved into hospice care after a “sudden and dramatic turn in his health caused by an infection.” Peterson was being treated for pneumonia, heart failure and dementia. The beloved author of The Message Bible and pastor of Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, Maryland, for nearly 30 years, spent a week in hospice care before moving on to heaven.
NavPress, the publisher of The Message Bible, confirmed Peterson’s passing, and members of his family released the following statement:
During the previous days, it was apparent that he was navigating the thin and sacred space between earth and heaven. We overheard him speaking to people we can only presume were welcoming him into paradise. There may have even been a time or two when he accessed his Pentecostal roots and spoke in tongues as well.
Among his final words were, “Let’s go.” And his joy: My, oh my; the man remained joyful right up to his blessed end, smiling frequently. In such moments it’s best for all mortal flesh to keep silence. But if you have to say something say this: “Holy, Holy, Holy.”
It feels fitting that his death came on a Monday, the day of the week he always honored as a Sabbath during his years as a pastor. After a lifetime of faithful service to the church—running the race with gusto—it is reassuring to know that Eugene has now entered into the fullness of the Kingdom of God and has been embraced by eternal Sabbath.
Collier is currently working on a biography of Peterson and considered him a close friend. Part of Collier’s research work for the biography has included carefully sifting through cabinets at the Peterson’s home on Flathead Lake in Montana that are “stuffed” with letters from the “bajillion” people Peterson corresponded with. Most of them were pastors; Peterson was known as a sort of shepherd of shepherds who wrote encouragement to those who reached out to him.
Peterson’s family is grateful for all the prayers and support that has been shown to them during this final lap of life. They have plans to live-stream his funeral, which will be held at First Presbyterian Church of Kalispell, Montana. A date has not yet been announced.
In an interview with ChurchLeaders last year, Peterson said, “I think it’s important, according to me anyway, to have some mentors in the cemeteries. People who did it right, before there were crowds of people to become important.”
Eugene Peterson has graduated to take his place among our “mentors in the cemeteries.” He was 85.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Stepping into the Unknown by Kurt Bobna

Have you noticed that God often calls us in the unknown and the uncomfortable?

Why do you think He does that?

Because our character is more important to God than our comfort, and we grow best when we are counting on Him and leaning on Him the most.

The critical question is this:  When faced with something hard or even scary, what will you do?

Being comfortable is a pretty high value for most of us. Most people are not risk takers by nature. Many people like routine, security and functioning within their comfort zones.
But again, our faith and obedience are far more important to God than our comfort because when we step out in faith, that’s when amazing things can happen.

In Genesis 12:1-7, there’s an incredible story of Abram (who later became Abraham) being called by God into the unknown and unfamiliar. The most important verse in this passage is verse 4 where it says, “Abram went, as the Lord had told him.”

Abram said yes to God and models for us a faith that we are to emulate.

Of course, it’s always easier to live in a comfort zone.

By the way, God didn’t give Abram a lot of information. He just said, “Go… and I will lead you!” And Abram did what God asked him to do. That’s faith.

Here’s how the Word defines faith:  Faith is obeying even when you don’t understand (Hebrews 11:8). Faith is believing and obeying no matter what the costs and no matter what the risks.
Nope. It’s not an easy way to life, but it is God’s way. And it is the only way to fully experience God’s ultimate purpose and blessing in your life.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


been there... done that...

This pretty much sums up how the last 6 years have been for me and my family... 

a little background info:  in 2008, Dan and i resigned from our nice jobs, sold our house, left our kids and (at the time) one grandchild, and moved to Cebu to help with my parents' ministry because my Dad had become quite ill and we weren't sure he would recover. Well, he recovered -- praise God for that! -- but then, in December 2009, my Mom had an asthma attack along with a heart attack and was deprived of oxygen for more than 10 minutes, rendering her brain dead. She was put on life support until late December. But, even after she was taken off life support, she hung on for 3 days before she finally took her last breath.

In 2012, my Dad remarried. (I'll just leave it at that...) Dan and I left for what we thought would be a short visit to the States in late October 2012, but then were told in a very mean-spirited email that we were no longer welcome in Cebu. What hurt most was that it came from the father I had always loved and respected... Or maybe it didn't... Maybe he just allowed someone else to convince him to write the ugly email. I don't know I'll ever know... 

Anyway, we had sacrificed so much when we moved to Cebu. We had shipped all our worldly possessions there because we thought we would finish out our days there, helping with the ministry. To be told that we were ineffective as well as other not-so-nice words were painful to read mainly because they weren't true. So for 5 years (2012-2017), we stayed in the States, licked our wounds, began to gain our composure and our self-esteem with the help of our kids and grandkids.

The pain and losses that we endured were really tough (especially when our bedroom in Cebu was emptied and all our personal stuff was moved to the Seminary's library where anyone and everyone could see them!! That was very humiliating). But through it all, the Lord was gracious to us. He used the churches we attended to bind up our wounds and slowly restore our desire to be in ministry again. 

By 2015, we were ready when our son Justin started his own ministry, TELOS EUARESTOS MINISTRIES, INC. (TEMI). TEMI's vision is to TRAIN, STRENGTHEN AND DEVELOP others to become more effective in their respective areas of ministry. TEMI's projects include:  the Marge Alcala Isidro Educational Initiative (MAIEI), named after my Mom, which is currently helping 10 deserving students at Brooke's Point Christian High School; providing VBS materials to churches in Cebu and Brooke's Point; and 2 Bible Schools -- Cebu and Brooke's Point. Justin's dream is to go beyond the Philippines and the US. One area where he would like TEMI to get involved is Uganda where a good friend of ours who herself is Ugandan started a children's ministry. Due to her physical limitations, she is unable to continue the work, but Justin would like to see TEMI pick up the reins and help in whatever way we can... someday...

so, yes... it's been rough but despite some people painting us as worthless and deeming our contributions to the work in Cebu as nil, God did not give up on us. He allowed us to rest and become reinvigorated and, heading into our late 60s, here we are... starting Bible Schools in Cebu and Brooke's Point and handling other aspects of TEMI's ministry here in the Philippines. God has given us new momentum and continues to give us the strength--physically and spiritually--that we need each day.

How thankful we are that we can still be used by God to further His Kingdom through TEMI. His ways TRULY ARE BEST and I'm thankful that we didn't allow the opinions of others to keep us from using the gifts and talents that God gave us to be effective for Him.

We have learned to embrace the life that God has given us and in my humble opinion, it sure seems better than what we might have had in Cebu... 

just sayin'...

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