Tuesday, January 29, 2019

he's doing what he promised!!!

FACTS don't lie and yet the crazies on the Left are still in shock over losing to DONALD J TRUMP that they can't and won't see the good that's happening to their fellow Americans or to their country.
They are truly to be pitied because they are stuck in their anger and they can't stand to think that their candidate lost so badly and that the winner is doing such a great job!!!
May God have mercy on them for being so hateful...

Monday, January 7, 2019

this is MY President...

he deserves and needs our fervent prayers to keep up the good work he's been doing and to never give up on making America great and strong again...

as the world prepares to watch Manny fight again...

Sunday, January 6, 2019

note to self...

I love what someone else wrote:
"Fear, I get that you will always have a role in my life, but you only get to be a passenger in the rear of my car. you are NOT in the driver's seat and you may NOT ride shotgun!!"

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