Nothingburger Mueller Report Came at a Cost Too Great for America
While Barr gets to the bottom of those concerns, the question that Americans should be asking themselves is, “Was this worth it?”
Was putting the entire country on an emotional rollercoaster for more than two years worth this empty, inconsequential report?
Were the Pulitzer Prizes prematurely awarded to The New York Times and The Washington Post worth devoting news cycle after news cycle to a non-story?
Was shaking the faith of millions of Americans in the very legitimacy of our democracy by trying to overturn a legitimate election result worth the boost a few politicians got in the polls?
Now that Mueller’s report is out, it’s quite clear that it wasn’t worth the price. We’ve spent the past two and a half years obsessing over a half-baked conspiracy theory manufactured by frustrated partisans, and we have nothing to show for it other than the anger and distrust this witch hunt has left in its wake.
Jason D. Meister is an advisory board member for the 2020 Trump campaign.