Friday, August 8, 2008


"However mild his manners, Jesus was intent on warning us about our spiritual destiny beyond this life. And surely his intense concern was not misplaced. How often do we really stop and think about life after death and about the possibility of hell and punishment? Those aren't subjects we want to dwell on while we eat our breakfast and read our morning paper. But if we listen carefully to Jesus, he is saying that many people are standing in spiritual jeopardy at this very moment. "Many are trying to enter through the narrow door of heaven," says Jesus, "but not all will succeed."

Let's be honest -- don't we sometimes have real difficult believing that there is a place of eternal destruction called hell? Isn't that why we make jokes about it? Isn't that why we hear the word tossed around like any other expletive and reduced to some bad experience we might have in this life? But the same Jesus who tells us there is a heaven also tells us in no uncertain terms that there is a hell. Can we accept one and ignore the other? Hell is God's love expressed as a warning.

As Christians, we take confidence in God's saving grace, as well we should. We have eternal life as a promise of God! But Jesus warns that we should not take his mercy for granted and turn our backs on his forgiveness. There are going to be more than a few surprises in heaven and hell. In view of our eternal destiny, there are more than a few questions we need to ask.

Who are we really serving in our lives: God or money? Have we really given up our lives for Christ, or are we just toying around with the idea of self-sacrifice? Have we really humbled our hearts before God to do his will, or is our humility just a photo opportunity for those around us? Is the kingdom of God really within us, or have be substituted a bustle of "church activities" in its place? Are we really taking up Jesus' cross, or are we just wearing it around our necks for decoration? We need to take a hard, honest look at ourselves as we come ever closer to eternity!

But if our answers are not always the most encouraging, there is yet hope. Jesus' warnings are invariably accompanied by precious promises. You can almost imagine the picture he paints, of angels in heaven looking down in anticipation of the unnamed, unknown, insignificant sinner who is about to repent. Will ours be the name which initiates their celebration today?" ("30 Days With Jesus" devotional)

i read this during one of my morning devotions and it was brought home more forcefully to me on thursday night, 8/7, when my dad preached at the wake of his half-sister's husband. pedring tanajura finally succumbed to lung cancer that had lingered for years. i never knew him, but from what i've been told, he was not a very nice man. not only was he a drunk and abusive to my auntie neneng and her children, but he was an adulterer who left my auntie for their maid and had a second family with this other woman. even when he knew he was dying and there was no more hope for his recovery, he continued to be abusive to my aunt despite the fact that his REAL family took him back when the doctors had given him no more hope and allowed him (and the other woman!) to live in a room in my auntie's house. on friday, 8/1, the day before he died, i was told that he asked for forgiveness from everyone he had wronged and abused. that night, my auntie read from the Psalms to him to help him get some sleep and he died peacefully during the reading.

at the service, my dad preached on Job 14:14 where Job asks, "If a man die, shall he live [again]?" the answer is YES! but, our destination will be either Heaven or Hell. the choice rests with us. my dad believes that my auntie's husband was sincere in his decision for God 3 years ago when his son died and that's probably why he was allowed to die peacefully because his heart was right with God.

as followers of Jesus Christ, we have our work cut out for us to share with those we care about that God doesn't want us to spend eternity in hell. He wants everyone to come to Him and spend eternity with Him -- that's why He came to earth to die for us sinners.

my dad did not mince words that night. he presented the Gospel to the 30+ people who were in attendance and he asked them to make a decision for Christ. 18 individuals signed the decision sheet at the back of my dad's "Cebuano Gospel of John." i know the angels in heaven were singing HALLELUJAH!!! for each person that made a genuine decision for God that night.

it also made me realize that I must do MY part to bring others to the Lord. the time will come when the opportunity to make that decision for Christ will have passed. so, while there's still time, i need to do everything i can to make sure that those i love and care about will be in heaven with Jesus and with me when we leave this earth. please pray that i will be bold, courageous and vigilant in doing this task for the Lord!

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