Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mom in Narnian Glory

January 29, 2010

my mom, Dr Marge Alcala Isidro, would have turned 80 today. she was so looking forward to having a birthday dinner complete with roasted turkey from the States. while i was in the states last november/ december, she kept reminding me about it. she wanted to make sure i didn't forget... i wasn't able to buy the turkey because we had to rush back after we were told she was in a coma. but, when i arrived back in cebu, i checked her freezer and she already had a turkey in there... maybe she wanted to serve 2 turkeys...! anyway, we probably won't have the turkey until november--for Thanksgiving.

we'll be at the cemetery this morning to celebrate her life and to thank God for giving her to our family for almost 56 years... i'm thankful that she was able to meet 2 of her great-grandchildren. i know she was looking forward to getting to know jonah & jaelyn. she was SO PROUD of her great-grandkids! every time she received pictures of them via email she would print a copy and post them in the EL-TS classroom for all the students to enjoy...! i like to think that she has met great-grandbaby #5 and is enjoying him/her in "Narnian glory."

"Narnian glory" is what my sister said she's written in her calendar for this day... i think my mom would have smiled at that!

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