Friday, July 27, 2012

it just hit me...

my preference for my dad's next wife would be someone who knew my mom, respected her and even liked her. this way we could have shared memories of someone who was very significant to me. she might even have stories about my mom that i have never heard and that would make me like my dad's second wife even more. alas, that's not going to happen... the woman my dad plans to marry next month is a TOTAL stranger to me and to our family. she has NO knowledge of my mom and she doesn't even pretend to appreciate who my mom was to us. i can't really blame her because my mom is just someone who is from my dad's past. but, it doesn't make it any easier to deal with this new woman in my dad's life... i told my dad recently that i always thought he was a one-woman man, but, boy, was i wrong! i guess even the best of men still feel they need a wife to feel complete, fulfilled. i mean, why else would an 80-year-old man remarry?????!!!! i guess this just goes to prove that, deep down, men are really polygamous and one woman will never be enough for them...

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