Monday, October 14, 2013

this ties in so nicely with my most recent post...

A God-Sized Dreamer's Prayer

God, your thoughts are not my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8)
What you have planned for me is beyond all I can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:19-20)
Yet you have also promised to reveal it to me through your Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:8-10)
So I open my heart, mind, and life to more of you--to whatever you have for me.

Where there is ongoing fear in my life, please replace it with faith.
Where there is a desire to hold back, give me the strength to move forward.
Where there is a desert, lead me into the Promised Land you have prepared for me.

I embrace that my part is to pray, plan, and, most of all, seek you.
And yours is to get me where you want me to go (Proverbs 16:9 and 19:21)
Wherever that is, that's where I want to be, too.
Because there's no better place in this world or the next than with you (Psalm 84:10)

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth (especially my little corner of it) as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10)

In Your name, Amen.

An excerpt by Holley Gerth, from her new devotional, "Opening Your Door To Your God-Sized Dreams"

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