Tuesday, May 26, 2015


5 Indicators of an Evil and Wicked Heart

  • Association of Biblical CounselorsAssociation of Biblical Counselors
  • 201522 Jan
5 Indicators of an Evil and Wicked Heart
As Christian counselors, pastors and people helpers we often have a hard time discerning between an evil heart and an ordinary sinner who messes up, who isn’t perfect, and full of weakness and sin.
I think one of the reasons we don’t “see” evil is because we find it so difficult to
believe that evil individuals actually exist. We can’t imagine someone deceiving us
with no conscience, hurting others with no remorse, spinning outrageous fabrica-
tions to ruin someone’s reputation, or pretending he or she is spiritually committed
yet has no fear of God before his or her eyes.
The Bible clearly tells us that among God’s people there are wolves that wear
sheep’s clothing (Jeremiah 23:14Titus 1:10Revelations 2:2). It’s true that
every human heart is inclined toward sin (Romans 3:23), and that includes evil
(Genesis 8:21James 1:4). We all miss God’ mark of moral perfection. However,
most ordinary sinners do not happily indulge evil urges, nor do we feel good about
having them. We feel ashamed and guilty, rightly so (Romans 7:19–21). These
things are not true of the evil heart.
Below are five indicators that you may be dealing with an evil heart rather than an ordinary sinful heart.  If so, it requires a radically different treatment approach.
1. Evil hearts are experts at creating confusion and contention.
They twist the facts, mislead, lie, avoid taking responsibility, deny reality, make up stories, and withhold information. (Psalms 5:810:758:3109:2–5140:2;
Proverbs 6:13,146:18,1912:1316:2016:27, 2830:14Job 15:35Jeremiah 18:18;Nehemiah 6:8Micah 2:1Matthew 12:34,35Acts 6:11–132 Peter 3:16)
2. Evil hearts are experts at fooling others with their smooth speech and
flattering words.
But if you look at the fruit of their lives or the follow through of their words, you will
find no real evidence of godly growth or change. It’s all smoke and mirrors. (Psalms 50:1952:2,357:459:7101:7Proverbs 12:526:23–2626:28Job 20:12;
Jeremiah 12:6Matthew 26:59Acts 6:11–13Romans 16:17,182 Corinthians 11:13,142 Timothy 3:2–53:13Titus 1:10,16).
3. Evil hearts crave and demand control, and their highest authority is their
own self-reference
They reject feedback, real accountability, and make up their own rules to live by.
They use Scripture to their own advantage but ignore and reject passages that
might require self-correction and repentance. (Romans 2:8Psalms 1036:1–4;
50:16–22;54:5,673:6–9Proverbs 21:24Jude 1:8–16).
4. Evil hearts play on the sympathies of good-willed people, often trumping
the grace card
They demand mercy but give none themselves. They demand warmth, forgive-
ness, and intimacy from those they have harmed with no empathy for the pain they
have caused and no real intention of making amends or working hard to rebuild
trust. (Proverbs 21:101 Peter 2:16Jude 1:4).
5. Evil hearts have no conscience, no remorse.
They do not struggle against sin or evil—they delight in it—all the while masquerad-
ing as someone of noble character. (Proverbs 2:14–1510:2312:10;21:27,29;
Isaiah 32:6Romans 1:302 Corinthians 11:13–15)
If you are working with someone who exhibits these characteristics, it’s important
that you confront them head on. You must name evil for what it is. The longer you
try to reason with them or show mercy towards them, the more you, as the Christian
counselor, will become a pawn in his or her game.
They want you to believe that:
1. Their horrible actions should have no serious or painful consequences.
When they say “I’m sorry,” they look to you as the pastor or Christian counselor
to be their advocate for amnesty with the person he or she has harmed. They be-
lieve grace means they are immediately granted immunity from the relational fallout
of their serious sin. They believe forgiveness entitles them to full reconciliation and
will pressure you and their victim to comply.
The Bible warns us saying, “But when grace is shown to the wicked, they do not
learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil and do
not regard the majesty of the Lord (Isaiah 26:10). 
The Bible tells us that talking doesn’t wake up evil people, but painful consequen-
ces might. Jesus didn’t wake up the Pharisee’s with his talk nor did God’s counsel
impact Cain (Genesis 4). In addition, the Bible shows us that when someone is
truly sorry for the pain they have caused, he or she is eager to make amends to
those they have harmed by their sin (see Zacchaeus’ response when he repented
of his greed in Luke 19). 
Tim Keller writes, “If you have been the victim of a heinous crime. If you have
suffered violence, and the perpetrator (or even the judge) says, ‘Sorry, can’t we
just let it go?’ You would say, ‘No, that would be an injustice.’ Your refusal would
rightly have nothing to do with bitterness or vengeance. If you have been badly
wronged, you know that saying sorry is never enough. Something else is required—
some kind of costly payment must be made to put things right.”1
As Biblical counselors let’s not collude with the evil one by turning our attention to
the victim, requiring her to forgive, to forget, to trust again when there has been no evidence of inner change. Proverbs says, “Trusting in a treacherous man in time of trouble is like a bad tooth or a foot that slips” (Proverbs. 25:19). It’s foolishness.
The evil person will also try to get you to believe
2. That if I talk like a gospel-believing Christian I am one, even if my actions
don’t line up with my talk
Remember, Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:13–15).
He knows more true doctrine than you or I will ever know, but his heart is wicked.
Why? Because although he knows the truth, he does not believe it or live it.
The Bible has some strong words for those whose actions do not match their
talk (1 John 3:17,18Jeremiah 7:8,10James 1:22, 26). John the Baptist said
it best when he admonished the religious leaders, “Prove by the way you live that
you have repented of your sins and turned to God” (Luke 3:8).
If week after week you hear the talk but there is no change in the walk, you have
every reason to question someone’s relationship with God.
Part of our maturity as spiritual leaders is that we have been trained to discern
between good and evil. Why is that so important? It’s important because evil
usually pretends to be good, and without discernment we can be easily fooled
(Hebrews 5:14).
When you confront evil, chances are good that the evil heart will stop counseling
with you because the darkness hates the light (John 3:20) and the foolish and
evil heart reject correction (Proverbs 9:7,8). But that outcome is far better than
allowing the evil heart to believe you are on his or her side, or that “he’s not that
bad” or “that he’s really sorry” or “that he’s changing” when, in fact, he is not.
Daniel says, “[T]he wicked will continue to be wicked” (Daniel 12:10), which begs
the question, do you think an evil person can really change?

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