Saturday, March 19, 2016

FEAR NOT--Ruth 3:11

"And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou requirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman."

BACKGROUND/COMMENTARY from the Isidro Annotated Old Testament: This chapter is an account of how Ruth asked Boaz to act as the kinsman-redeemer for the family of Elimelech. The way it was done may seem strange to us, but, this was according to the custom and provision of the law of Moses (see Deu 25:5, 7-10).
In Ruth 3:10-11 Boaz commended Ruth for being a virtuous woman for she did not “follow” after young men. The word “follow” comes from halak which means “to go or run after.” The implication is that Boaz was, most likely, much older than Ruth and Ruth never tried to attract the attention of younger men, despite being still very young. She acted in order to follow the law of Moses and the instruction of Naomi regarding levirate marriage.
David Gruzik from agrees: "Apparently, there was a considerable age difference between Ruth and Boaz. It also seems that because of this, Boaz considered himself unattractive to Ruth and had therefore ruled out any idea of a romance between them." Guzik on to say, [Because of Ruth's actions], [Boaz] had the right to force himself upon Ruth as her goel, but he did not. He wasn't going to just say, "There's a woman I want, and I have her by right." He was kind enough to not act as goel towards Ruth unless she desired it."
"It also shows something else wonderful about Ruth: She based her attraction to Boaz more on respect than on image or appearance. Tragically, many people fall in love with an image or an appearance, rather than with a person we can really respect." "Literally, Boaz called Ruth a hah-yil woman. The basic meaning behind this Hebrew word is "strength; moral strength, good quality, integrity, virtue." This same word is used in a term for heroes in the Bible: A mighty man of valor. Just a courage and strength make a man a hero, so Ruth's courage and strength, shown in her virtue - make her a hero, on the Proverbs 31 kind of definition of a woman of virtue."

PERSONAL APPLICATION: Ruth's virtues are those that we, especially Christian women, should emulate. There's no telling how richly God will bless us if we do!!

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