first, to the family I was BORN into. the invaluable lessons learned from my parents continue to help guide my steps. my mom taught me the importance of striving for excellence in all i do and my dad taught me that i was important just for who i am! the experiences shared with my brother and sister taught me the value of being a team player (translation: sharing!) and a more caring older sister. family is MESSY but they definitely shape your worldview and how to treat people with kindness, despite not always agreeing with them.
second, there's the family i was blessed to MARRY into. i couldn't have asked for better parents-in-law!! i loved my father-in-law for the kindness and generosity he showed to others and it still makes me sad that he's not here to love on his great-grandkids 😢 my mother-in-law has taught me the value of trusting God for everything and that being a consistent prayer warrior is crucial to one's spiritual life. i am truly blessed to have a wonderful husband who puts up with my craziness and still loves me despite my idiosyncracies. and how awesome it was to suddenly have 3 more BROTHERS who are crazy and fun-loving!!
third, the family of 5 that God CREATED for me, beginning in 1980 and which has ballooned to 17 today. 😃 what an exciting and exhilarating ride it's been to be a wife, a mother to a wonderful son and 2 beautiful daughters and a grandmother to 6 lovely granddaughters and 3 handsome grandsons!! my life is full of so much joy and excitement, with a little bit of sorrow mixed in, but it's a life i treasure and for which I thank God every day for giving to me.
Lord, i am TRULY humbled and grateful... ❤❤
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