Friday, April 8, 2016

"We leave our families temporarily so that others, too, may spend eternity with their families."

Just read this quote on someone's FB post and it resonated with me... when we first left to go to Cebu in 2008, many people couldn't understand why we would leave our kids and our first grandchild in the States to get involved in my parents' ministry in Cebu. we had either donated, thrown away or packed up all personal belongings and were prepared to spend the rest of our lives in Cebu.
of course, once the Lord took my Mom home, things took a drastic turn and, in late 2012, we returned to the states, not knowing what or where our next ministry would be.
3 years later, God opened the door and gave us TEMI (Telos Euarestos Ministries, Inc.) and in a few days, we will be back in Cebu and Palawan to witness the start of our VBS project and, hopefully, plant the seed for a Bible School for pastors and lay leaders in Brookes' Point, Palawan. 
Exciting times lie ahead for us and it is our prayer that, with His help and the prayers of friends and family, we will be ready to meet the challenges that we know will lie ahead!!

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