Thursday, June 15, 2017

FEAR NOT: Psalm 118:6

The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?

Don Smith entitled this  “A Song for the King’s Coronation.”  It is also a portrait of Christ in the Psalms.  Psalms 113 through Psalm 118 comprise what is called the “Great Hallel.”  (1) This means “Great Songs of Praise.”  (2) They each contain historical recollections of God’s deliverance.  (3) There are allusions and quotes taken from Moses, David, Jeremiah, and Ezra. (4) These six songs were sung at various festive occasions, but especially at Passover.  (5) Psalm 118 was intended to be sung in a processional, as worshippers journeyed towards Jerusalem to offer their sacrifices and praises to God.  (6) It has personal application to David’s life as well as to Christ.

Verse 6 is best understood in connection with verse 5 where David says "I called upon the LORD in distress:  the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place."  So, why did the Lord answer David's prayer for deliverance?  (1) In adversity it doesn’t always feel like God is good or merciful.(Psalm 4:1)  (2) But David had learned that in his overwhelming circumstances, God was with him.  In other words, the Lord is particularly predisposed to favor His Chosen People. (3) God is for them [His people] not against them.  (4) He is for them not against them. That is why David says he will not fear.  (5) What is there to fear if God is for him? (Isaiah 51:9-12) (6) What harm can man really do to him if God is on his side? The answer is: Only what God permits for His good and ours. (7) The Lord is on the side of the righteous to be their help in time of need.

This is one of those verses that I memorized when I was a child. It's a great verse and one that I've returned to time and again when life and its challenges have threatened to overwhelm me!!  "The Lord is on my side." How comforting that is. How reassuring that is. God is for me. God is for my part.

The second part of this verse is equally comforting:  "Therefore, I will not fear what man shall do." Now, man condemns me. Man finds fault with me. I often find fault with myself and condemn myself. But I need not fear what man will do because the Lord is on my side.  As A.R. Fausset puts it:  "Men are helpless to hurt him, if God be with him (Psa 56:9 ), and, if enemies, they will be vanquished (Psa 54:7 )."

This is something that we can count on from the Lord who loves us very much!!

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