You have a race to run. It’s a race you’ve
been given, not one you’ve chosen.
It’s possible you wouldn’t have chosen
your race at all, had the choice been yours. Or perhaps you wouldn’t have
chosen this particular route. Or perhaps you wouldn’t have chosen your pace. Or
perhaps you would have chosen different racing environments, teammates, or
coaches. Or perhaps you would have chosen different capacities, strengths, and
resources, ones you believe would help you run more effectively. Or perhaps you
would have chosen a different distance.
But here you are: in this race,
on this route, at this pace, on this terrain, in this
climate, with these people, and your strengths, and your
limitations, for this distance. Like it or not, this is your
And the question is this: Will you embrace
your race or keep trying to escape it? What mindset will you choose? For though
you may not have chosen your race, you do get to choose how you run
You Can’t Escape
Of course, escape is not a real
option. However, fantasy provides a seductively compelling illusion of escape.
And the world offers you an overwhelming number of fantastic virtual
experiences to “relieve” you from the rigorous realities of your race.
By “fantasy” I don’t mean “imagination.”
The two are not synonyms. Imagination is the God-given gift to human beings
that allows us to fulfill our mandate to be sub-creators and stewards of our
little corner of creation (Gen 1:28-30). Nor by “fantasy” am I referring to the
literary or cinematic “fantasy” genres, which, when used rightly, are
imaginative sub-creations that can help us better understand and embrace
By “fantasy” I mean something we
are all very familiar with: the use of our imaginations for faithless
ends—to faux-create an alternative to reality as a means of trying to “escape”
reality. You know what I mean: sexual fantasies, anger fantasies, power
fantasies, revenge fantasies. These are sinfully preferring a race God hasn’t
given us; they are pretending we are in a race of our own choosing—a race in
which we get to be God in our own way.
But the problem with such fantasies is
that they aren’t real. They get us nowhere. They provide a temporary illusion
of happiness, but as soon as we take off the virtual-reality goggles, so to
speak, we are the same person, in the same race, on the same route. Nothing has
changed, except that we have lost valuable time and burdened ourselves with
more discontent and more guilt. We are more unhappy runners than we were
before, which often just make us want to escape again.
How to Run Free
There’s only one way to real freedom and
real joy: we must renounce our fantasy races, routes, paces, terrains,
climates, teammates, strengths, or distances, and embrace the race we have been
given. This is how to run free and for joy:
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so
great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which
clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before
us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that
was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the
right hand of the throne of God (Heb 12:1-2).
This text shows us how to run our race and
run it well.
1. Learn
from great runners.
You are running a unique race, but not an
unprecedented race. No one has experienced exactly what you have, but
many have experienced the same emotions, temptations, and various other challenges common to man (1 Cor 10:13). That’s why the Bible includes a “great
cloud” of examples of faithful race-running.
If you want to run well, study other
runners. Hebrews 11 provides a helpful starter list, but it is by no means
exhaustive. Study the great faith-runners. Examine all aspects of their
courses. God did far more abundantly than all they asked or thought (Eph 3:20).
He will do more for you, too, if you run faithfully.
2. Run as
light as possible.
This is your race. God has given
it to you. This truth is for your liberation, not your limitation. It’s meant
to free you, not constrict you. It’s folly and sin to waste time wishing your
race were different or resenting God’s choices. Most of those in the great
cloud of witnesses had no idea all that God was doing while they were running
very difficult races. Neither do you. But learn from the witnesses that God’s
purposes are bigger and better than you can imagine.
Lay aside all the weights of fantasy and
escape. Lay aside the weights of past sins and regrets. It makes for miserable,
slow running. The cross pays for all the past, and the future joy will make all
present difficulties now seem light and momentary (2 Cor 4:17). Focus on your
race, and only carry what God gives you. His burden is light (Matt 11:30).
3. Run with
Endurance is only increased by pushing our
current limits. It’s hard, yes. And you don’t know how you’ll ever be able to
run like other great faith-runners. Neither did they when they began. Begin today, and push your limits. When
tomorrow comes, run and push your limits. What exhausts you today will be much
easier in six months, but then you’ll be pushing different limits. Don’t look
at your fantasized ideal of a great faith-runner. Let Jesus make you into
whatever runner he wants. You faithfully and prayerfully aim to increase your
current endurance limits.
4. Keep
your eyes on the prize.
Look to Jesus—he is your greatest example,
your Savior, and your greatest intercessor (Heb 7:25). He is the source of your
greatest joy—your one great prize for running well (Psa 16:11; John 15:11). A
race is only run for a prize. If the prize is not before your eyes, you will
lose motivation. If you feel unmotivated to run your race, it may be because
the prize has been obscured. First priority: eyes on the prize again, whatever it
takes — whatever it takes! And then “run that you may obtain it” (1
Cor 9:24).
Embrace Your Race
This is your race. God has set it
before you. There is more glory in it than you yet comprehend. How are you
going to run?
You can’t change the past; stop trying.
There’s much you can’t change about the present; stop trying. There are many
fantasies singing like sirens to allure you into the illusion of indulgent
escape; stop listening, and don’t let them eat your race time and weigh you
Embrace your race. Study the great
faith-runners, run as light as possible, push your current endurance limits,
and get your eyes on the Great Prize. Run freer, run faster, and run for joy.
Jon Bloom (@Bloom_Jon) serves as author, board chair,
and co-founder of Desiring God. He is author of three books, Not by Sight,
Things Not
Seen, and Don’t Follow
Your Heart. He and his wife live in the Twin Cities with their five
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