Sunday, March 5, 2023

a great reminder for me as i anticipate turning 68 tomorrow...

If each of us knew how much time we had allocated,
perhaps we could play around with it.
But we don’t.
Believing tomorrow to be a guarantee,
is the biggest mistake we make.
Not seizing every day like the gift that it is,
is the biggest risk we take.
Waste time wisely my friend.
Time spent in rest, joy, company and kindness,
is never wasted.
As for the rest, just do it.
You won’t regret the things you tried and failed at,
but you will regret a life spent waiting.
Waiting for anything is a dangerous game because there is no guarantee the conditions will ever be just right.
Those who wait, wait..
but you,
you have a life to live.
Right here, right now.
Donna Ashworth

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